MapD vs MemSQL

November 17, 2021

MapD vs MemSQL

When it comes to choosing the perfect big data platform, there are many factors to consider. Two of the most popular options in the market are MapD and MemSQL. In this blog post, we will be comparing MapD and MemSQL, highlighting the pros and cons of both, and helping you make an informed decision.


MapD is a GPU-accelerated database designed for analytics in real-time. It utilizes the power of graphics cards to make queries of billions of rows possible with almost no lag time. This makes the analytics process much faster, which is important when working with complex data sets.

Some of the pros of MapD include:

  • High performance: MapD is incredibly fast, capable of running analytics in real-time, making it an excellent option for businesses with mission-critical systems.

  • Easy-to-use Interface: MapD has a user-friendly interface that simplifies the analytics process, which makes it easier for newcomers to the world of big data.

Some of the cons of using MapD include:

  • Price: MapD is an expensive option compared to other big data platforms.

  • Limited functionality: While MapD is extremely fast, it does lack the full functionality of some other big data platforms.


MemSQL is an in-memory, distributed SQL database that is designed for real-time analytics. It allows users to connect to the data in real-time and experience all the data capabilities at scale, including SQL and machine learning.

Some of the pros of MemSQL include:

  • Compatibility: MemSQL is compatible with many different programming languages, making integration into existing systems much easier.

  • Scalability: MemSQL is incredibly scalable, which is essential when working with larger datasets, which is great news for businesses that want to grow while having all the necessary information at their disposal.

Some of the cons of using MemSQL include:

  • Price: MemSQL can be expensive, especially if you need to scale it up as your business grows.

  • Complexity can be an issue, and the learning curve can be steep, which may lead to slower implementation times.

Which One Is Better?

When it comes down to choosing the perfect big data platform, it's essential to find the one that meets your business's specific needs. If you need speed and performance, then MapD is the clear winner, while businesses looking for compatibility and scalability might find MemSQL to be more suitable.


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